Getting the mast down

6 october 2017,
Getting the mast down was an experience

.... luckily I had some help. after putting the ropes on place to hold the mast sideways and from the bow (using the spinnaker pole to have an acceptable angle) to the winch.  it went smooth and perfect for 3 quarters of its way down. unfortunately the rope wasn't long enough and we've stopped to attach another it came a wind gust which pushed the mast sideway making the whole system collapse. ouch! luckily nobody got hurt and the mast safely landed on the hill next to the boat.
the steel mast holder/foot got bended and the genoa furler got bended looks worst than it is i will get it mended easily form a local iron worker.


 While dive-cleaning mizar at the buoy I have noticed at least 3 blister as big as a 2 euro coin. when mizar came out of the water I have realised it wasn't a matter of 3/4 blisters but hundreds. Apparently, at some point of her life, previous owners have already treated her and you can clearly see the grey fillings of old blisters.

I have never came across it in my life but everybody is scared about osmosis especially those who don't know much about it. ...the more I acknowledge the matter the less I fear it.
Due to fiberglass thickness with a good dryout and a good epoxy treatment it should be ok.... in the future the boat will need attention and some time out of the water at least every 2 years.

Out of the water!

Saturday 22 September 2017 ...4 am, no wind but a 150hp rubber boat will do...  we've got into the marina.

August 2017... Mizar is there, at the buoy without an engine, waiting for easterly winds to bring us to the marina. in the meanwhile I have dived to clean somehow the hull... 30 full grown oysters came out of it.

Finally the hull is dry - It's Epoxy time

When I have started this project (september '17) I thought i was going to be sailing in March. well...that was not the case. it's b...